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The karate girl with black belt
Karate Practice



Forms are one of the most important elements in the development of Taekwondo. They range from beginner through master levels. While the forms' steps may seem easy to learn, their difficulty lies in the necessity to perfect certain skills to perform said forms; refinement of coordination and balance, precision of timing, breath control and rhythm, concentration, agility and strength all need to be mastered to execute a poomsae properly. 

Poomsaes are essentially a series of defending and attacking movements performed against imaginary opponents in a set pattern. The movements include 90, 180, and 360 degree turns and motions of up, down, left, and right in order to deal with a wide array of attacks from all possible directions. It is essential in Taekwondo for students to become equally proficient in defending or attacking from both the left and right side of the body as the situation demands. To perfect a poomsae series, practice repetitively until it is deeply ingrained so that all movements are instinctive. Remember, simply memorizing a poomsae is not important – performing a poomsae with crisp, precise movements that display strength and proficiency is key.



Kyorugi (sparring or fighting) is the practical application of various forms against an actual opponent. In this type of competition, cooperation, self-control, concentration, respect for yourself and your partner, speed, skilled technique, precision, and confidence are the deciding factors. Students at KTigers will safely learn sparring skills though a step by step systematic teaching method that will ease the student into learning various sparring techniques.



Ho Sin Sool (self-defense) is the study of how to use an attacker’s strength or skill and weapons against him or her. The practitioner learns when, how, and where to attack an assailant using "pressure points" (areas of the body that when pressed cause intense pain), grappling and joint-locking techniques and throws.



Kyukpa (breaking) is done to practice and illustrate the formidable power, precision, and great mental concentration of the Taekwondo practitioner. Bricks, rocks, boards, cement blocks, and such are broken since it is not feasible to use this sort of power on another person in everyday practice! Breaking techniques are not about physical strength and muscle mass, but about generating energy of the mind and body to create a personal inner-strength. This inner-strength is accomplished by allowing the body to relax before the blow is struck. When this process is done properly, a student  will not only break a target cleanly but should also feel no pain in doing so.



Jung Shin Tong Il (often called meditation) is for the purpose of concentration practice in order to focus the mind and body to work together for developing precision and maximum strength, visualizing goals and listening to the conscience for internalizing important truths and moral standards.

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